Just Be

Meditation and mindfulness.  Everywhere you look there are books, podcasts, classes and articles about meditation and mindfulness.  Recently, I even saw a TV commercial for one of the more popular meditation/mindfulness apps called Calm.  I found this ironic and fascinating for a couple of reasons. It is ironic because television is our favorite mind-numbing pass …


The kind of static I'm talking about is the kind you get when the signal of a radio station is too far away and there is noise that blocks out the music. When it happens, it is a 'fingernails on the chalkboard' situation for me and it has to stop! Similarly we have so much …

Feeling Stuck?

Do you feel overwhelmed by all the different areas of life or just with your job or finances or family demands? Are you to do lists stacking up to the ceiling? I am right there with you! I have so many tasks swirling around I feel completely stuck. When we reach this point of stuckness …